
Solid Foundation Establishes its Permanent Location in Windsor Ontario

“Where healing and breakthroughs in your health become possible”

It is a great day at Solid Foundation Chiropractic! The ladder trucks are here, workers are making plans, measuring twice and cutting once. Roland Neon Signs is on site to install our new sign onto the front of the building. Come by and check it out! The electrical was finished by Dwayne’s Custom Construction.

Solid Foundation Chiropractic is located at 5687 Tecumseh Road East, Windsor ON, N8T 1C8. 


Request at Check-up with Dr. Brock

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If I could live stream the process, I would, as we are so excited that this day has finally come! Solid Foundation Chiropractic staff sits out front to observe the process. We could not ask for a better day as the sun shines on us, our bodies create Vitamin D and Solid Foundation establishes itself as a permanent location where healing and breakthroughs in your health become possible.  We opened our doors to patients in January 2015 and have been helping and educating  families about how Chiropractic helps the whole family to stay healthy.

“Chiropractic helps the whole family to stay healthy.” – Dr. Brock

Recently, someone I met in the community asked me, ”If you can describe what you do in three words what would you say? I told them, “remove interference.” I did it in two words. Your body was designed to be extraordinary. As I sit outside watching the sign go up, my immune system is actively fighting many diseases, including cancer, my heart is beating 60-100 beats per minute, breathing 10-20 breaths per minute and creating vitamin D. And my immune system keeps working for my good regardless of whether or not I am thinking about it – all while each letter is being placed onto the building with care.

As a chiropractor, I help to restore the function and integrity of the nervous system by aligning the bones that protect your life line – your Spinal Cord. Research shows that degeneration can put pressure on your life line (your electrical system) and affect how the body functions. We help people correct their posture. If out of alignment your spine could be degenerating as you read this post, so sit up straight.

“Am I supposed to notice such drastic positive changes in my body so quickly?”

A new patient commented yesterday at the third adjustment, “Am I supposed to notice such drastic positive changes in my body so quickly?” The patient had been in a brutal car accident, surviving with injuries. After going to physiotherapy with little to no results, Chiropractic was able to help with better breathing (the patient not realizing the diminished breathing capacity until it got better), promoting the ability to work without pain and sitting and concentrating for longer durations.

While everyone has their own chiropractic story, chiropractic can help you continue to function at 100%. For some, it will help you get back to 100% and for others it will help you enjoy the life you were destined to live. The only thing you have to do is, show up and let your chiropractor, Dr. Brock Van Dyke, and your innate healing power do the rest.

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If you like Solid Foundation Chiropractic let people know. Leaving a comment on our Google Plus page only takes a few minutes and it’s easy to do. Click the Google Plus Icon to go to our Google Plus page. We appreciate all your positive comments. See you in the clinic for your adjustment. – Dr. Brock Van Dyke

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Author: Dr. Brock Van Dyke, BHK, DC, A-EMCA. Chiropractor at Solid Foundation Chiropractic, Windsor ON, N8T 1C8, Phone: 519-948-4000. Focus: Posture Correction and Family Wellness. “Build Your Health on a Solid Foundation”

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Dr. Brock Van Dyke

Author: Dr. Brock Van Dyke, BHK, DC, A-EMCA. Chiropractor at Solid Foundation Chiropractic, Windsor ON

Phone: 519-948-4000

Focus: Posture Correction and Family Wellness. “Build Your Health on a Solid Foundation”

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